Agnostico is the Protocol for deploying,sharing and selling smart contract codebases as NFT
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Agnostico protocol gives open-source smart contract developers a choice to publicize their codes on the platform to make reusing them by others as easy as deploying a contract without writing a single line of code.
Join other developers who are sharing their publicly available, open-source solidity codes for others to reuse on Agnostico.
Find an interesting contract and deploy it to bootstrap your dApp development without writing a single line of code.
Developers who share their codes get a fraction of the deployment cost of every deployment of their code.
You can easily integrate with the following platforms to further harness your productivity easily. GOERLI, BSC, MATIC, HARMONY
There is exposure for developers who provide their codes for reuse.
Every code on Agnostico is open-source thereby will contribute to the growth of an open-source initiative.
The platform is ever-evolving and developers who provide their codes are the first-class citizens.